Vacancies!We have one full time housekeeper vacancy and two full time mobile cleaner vacancies! Contact us for details of the excellent package we...
Job VacanciesWe have 4 vacancies for full and part time staff. We are looking to recruit mobile cleaning staff and housekeeping staff with a...
Cleaning Staff RequiredWe still have one vacancy left for THE VERY BEST cleaning staff! For a great place to work with a great package get in touch!
Cleaning VacanciesWe have three new vacancies for cleaning staff. Hours available from 15 hours to full time. For a great working environment and...
New Staff Member - ColletteWe are pleased to welcome Collette this week to our team. Collette has previous worked in the cleaning industry, travelled the world as...
New Staff Member RobertWe are pleased to tell you that Rob joined us recently and having successfully passed his initial training is out and about working hard...
New Job PostingsWe have several job vacancies to fill. Starting from 10 hours per week up to 25 hours per week. We offer an excellent salary, pension...
Job VacancyWe are currently recruiting for part time cleaners 25 hours per week @ £11500pa or 20 hours per week @ £9200pa. Hours are between 10am...